
To make a new ModifierRarity, simply make a new class that inherits the class ModifierRarity in the Loot.System namespace.

Primary functions

The primary use of a rarity is to provide some representation of how strong a rolled item’s modifiers are. For most rarities, you’ll just want to be overriding these properties: (example is Common Rarity)

public class CommonRarity : ModifierRarity
    public override string Name => "Common";
    public override Color Color => Color.White;
    public override float RequiredRarityLevel => 0f;

A rarity is always rolled by its RequiredRarityLevel, and the highest matching rarity is always selected. A higher required level indicates a more powerful item, so the rarity should signify that.

Extra functions

A rarity can add a prefix and suffix to an item name, as well as change the color of it in the tooltip.

    public virtual Color? OverrideNameColor => null;
    public virtual string ItemPrefix => null;
    public virtual string ItemSuffix => null;

Saving and loading data

You can save and load data exactly like how you can do it for a Modifier (see above)